People of Labrum: Cory Wharton-Malcolm
We are very pleased to share the first edition of People of Labrum, a new series focused on celebrating our incredible community.
In men’s fashion often the focus is around the Designer and although Foday is the heart of Labrum, there is a greater network of incredible people contributing to our growing success.
As always, Labrum is about far more than great men’s fashion. Our foundations are set in story-telling and sharing the knowledge that we gather as we continue to grow. We invite you to join us as we give some love to the people who inspire us, support us and stand beside us on this crazy journey.
First to kindly take the spotlight is our long-time friend Cory Wharton-Malcolm; a running coach, creator, and CEO of Track Mafia. Not to mention a stand out presence in men’s fashion, Cory is not afraid to mix his style up and to wear clothing that makes him stand out in a crowd, making him a brilliant Labrum advocate.
Over to Cory…
Foday Dumbuya: For those who don’t already know, can you explain how we know each other?
Cory Wharton-Malcolm: I met Foday through RunDemCrew on a run many years ago. Since then, we have grown to be great friends. He is one of the people that has inspired me over the years.
FD: What is it about Labrum that makes it stand out from other brands?
CWM: It’s the attention to detail, nods to the past and rich history of his ancestors. The beautiful patterns, bright colours and informative educational story telling all beautifully intertwined.
FD: If you work to live, what do you live for?
CWM: I live for a better tomorrow, not just for me but for the people I surround myself with. I live to be in a position to make my own decisions as that’s true freedom, whether you are thinking about the creative process or just day-to-day life.
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FD: What does community mean to you?
CWM: Community is family and family is life. Community is about helping one another, community is not about taking but about sharing, giving back. It's about building bridges and doing your utmost to leave something behind that those who come after you can use to do better than we did before them. Community is about a shared responsibility. Without community I wouldn’t be in the position that I’m in.
FD: What are your wardrobe staples? What couldn’t you live without?
CWM: Labrum's 'Designed by an Immigrant' tee OBVIOULSY. After that it has to be my pink and blue socks, loose fitting combats and a hoodie. If you didn’t know: I like to be comfortable, you can’t create if your clothes are stifling you or making you feel uncomfortable.
FD: What would you say was your career highlight?
CWM: There are honestly so many, I couldn’t pick one. I would say walking out of Wembley Park Tube station and seeing “TrackMafia presents GET PAID” emblazoned in full HD across Wembley Stadium. It reminded me of the champions league and made me think how far we had come from scribbling down ideas on an A4 pad in my office many, many years before.
I think the work we did in Hackney for the Hackney half marathon with Nike, Virgin Sport, Tropical Isles, Hackney Carnival, Hackney Empire, Hackney schools and all the communities I haven’t mentioned was a beautiful thing to see come to life.
I would also maybe say my podcast The Tub Hub that explores people’s relationships with HELP in all its forms. All episodes have been recorded LIVE in a bath tub.
FD: What are you most proud of?
CWM: I think I’m most proud of persevering when there were so many reasons not to.
A big shout out to Cory for taking the time to talk to Foday and for his continued support in Labrum’s journey through the men’s fashion space. Please follow Cory on Instagram: @bitbeefy @TrackMafia_ and check out his podcast.
If you have any questions for the Labrum team you can reach us at and follow us on Instagram @labrumlondon